Hi! My name is Myriam Sandler and I'm the creator of Mothercould. When my first daughter was just over a year old, she refused to eat solids and would mostly drink milk. Feeding time was always a struggle, but she was growing well and gaining weight at every doctor visit. Nonetheless, as a new mom, the fact that my child wasn't eating well was tearing me apart. After trying everything, I figured she might have a sensitivity to textures and fell straight into sensory play. I started by exposing her more to the textures she was comfortable with (e.g. water and grains), slowly transitioning to those she wasn't as familiar with (e.g. play dough, pasta and even slime). The goal was to expose her to as many new textures as possible, so that as I introduced new foods, she was already familiar with how they felt and accepted them. After a short period of time, I noticed incredible progress in her eating! I was so overwhelmed by the experience that I felt compelled to share my own sensory play recipes to a global community of caregivers.
The name Mothercould represents the empowering accomplishment I felt through this experience. I am by no means a feeding specialist or a sensory play expert. I’m just a mom sharing her experiences and trying to experiment with different learning methods through play. What works for one child might not necessarily work for another, but if I’ve learned anything through the Mothercould community, it’s that most families go through the same struggles. We are all just trying to do the best for our children and the more open we are in sharing our experiences, the more likely we are to find something that resonates for our own path.
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