Parents | Educators | Caregivers
Your Go-To Resource for Sensory Play, Clean Up, Hacks & More!
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This is a one-time fee only! No subscription or ongoing membership required. Already Purchased? Login
Fun, Easy and Accessible Play Recipes Using Common Household Items. Incorporate Sensory Play at Home, On-The-Go & In the Classroom.
Access quick and easy how-to videos that walk you through each activity with tips and tricks to create the perfect sensory experience
[Closed Captions] English & Español
Access 60+ printable recipes and play alternatives with step-by-step instruction, ingredients and storage recommendations
English & Español
Learn how to identify and source items around your house to keep play fresh, fun and affordable
Set up tips to maximize the play experience and facilitate easy storage and clean up
Learn fast, controlled and effective clean up strategies, storage tips for preservation, fast access and extended play
Myriam’s all-time favorite hacks! Take the edge off of play's messiest moments from slime and wall marking removal, to magic hand vacuum techniques and marker rescue
Walk through Myriam’s list of affordable recommended purchases to enhance the play experience for long term multiple uses
Learn how to create pre-made home & travel sensory play kits for easily accessible and on-the-go activities
Learn how to source natural dyes for classic sensory play recipes and activities. Printable activity packs included to extend play & learning
Engage the Senses
Encourage Connection & Social Interaction
Develop Gross & Fine Motor Skills
Support Complex Learning Tasks & Cognitive Growth
Promote Exploration
Language Development
Independent & Group Learning
Problem Solving
Great for children of all ages, including baby friendly activities and recipes
Explore the benefits of play and connection
Play strategies and product recommendations for easy set up, clean up, storage, cleaning hacks and more
Find new and unique opportunities to create memorable teaching moments
The short video tutorials are about 3-5 minutes per recipe. Certain videos consolidate a few related activities into one.
Yes. Our platform is extremely mobile friendly and you will be able to access all guided tutorials and recipes easily on your phone.
Yes. You can print all guided and alternative recipes to have easy access and enjoy screen-free time with your children.
Yes. Many recipes are taste-safe and/or baby friendly and these are easily identifiable within the resource modules and printables.
The benefits of sensory play are ageless. This resource hopes to inspire play for most stages of child development, including babies, toddlers and older children. Recipes do not offer specific age appropriateness given the independent development of each child. Nevertheless, recipes that are baby-safe, taste-safe and gluten-free will be easily identifiable.
Due to the instant download of this resource and its printables, we do not offer refunds. For any related questions, please contact us at
Get to Know Myriam
Myriam Sandler is the creator of Mothercould, a kids activity and family lifestyle community. She shares unique short video tutorials of sensory and food recipes, easy play activities, and educational tools using recycled household items. Born in Venezuela and raised in Miami, FL, the bilingual mother of three offers parents, caretakers and educators simple and accessible play solutions, parenting hacks and more.