Melted Crayon Crafts

As we all know, I LOVE to recycle whenever I can. There was a time a little while ago where I found the playroom completely packed with broken crayons that neither of my kids would use (despite the fact they worked just fine.) I instantly knew I had to find a way to recycle them through craft, because it prevents waste AND arts and crafts are fantastic for children’s development.

Once I decided to recycle them and not throw them away, I started brainstorming crafts. From there, I found out just how easy it is to turn them into somethign fun with just a little heat! Not only would these crafts engage my children, but they’d offer a super beneficial opportunity for sensory play!

So, if you find yourself surrounded by a lot of neglected or broken crayons, this is the blog post for you! Today, I am going to create a round-up of the best DIY crayon crafts that your kids will LOVE!

Melted Crayon Crafts for Kids

10 Melted Crayon Crafts That Kids Will Love

Melted Crayon Heart Pencil Toppers

Oh, how cute! I just love this craft idea! Crayon heart pencil toppers are the perfect addition to your playroom art table, especially if you have school aged kids. With adult supervision and help, this activity encourages fine motor skills and allows children to experiment with color theory. You will need your crayons, a piece of wax paper, heart-shaped lollipop molds, pencils, a heat gun or hair dryer, and a hot glue gun.

  • Step 1: Put down your piece of wax paper to protect the surface underneath.

  • Step 2: Remove the paper wrapping from the crayons. I like to soak them in water to make them slide off easily.

  • Step 3: Place the crayons in the lollipop heart molds and use the heat gun or hair dryer to melt the crayons until fully melted and the mold is filled.

  • Step 4: Place the cap for the pencil in the mold where you would usually put the lollipop stick and make sure the wax is completely covering it.

  • Step 5: Once hardened, pop the pencil toppers out of the molds.

  • Step 6: Put them on the your pencils, and you’re done!

Shaped Crayons

Bring your crayons back to life with some silicone molds! Not only does this teach your children how to reduce, reuse, and recycle, but it is also a great way for kids to explore their creativity. You will just need silicone molds in the shape of what you’d like (I used numbers), baking paper, a heat gun or hair dryer, and broken crayons from your crayon box. 

  • Step 1: Put down the baking sheet paper to protect the surface. 

  • Step 2: Remove the paper wrapping from the crayons.

  • Step 3: Pop the crayons in the mold you’ve chosen. 

  • Step 4: Use the heat gun or hair dryer to melt the crayons until fully melted and the mold is filled.

  • Step 5: Once hardened, pop them out and enjoy some coloring in!

Melted Crayon Canvas Art

If you’ve been on TikTok, you’ve likely seen all the cool melted crayon canvas art people are making. My kids absolutely love any decor for their room that uses bright colors, so I think they would think this melted crayon art project was so cool! This vibrant work of art can be made with a canvas of any size, crayons, a hair dryer or heat gun, a hot glue gun, and some parchment paper to keep the surface safe.

  • Step 1: Put parchment paper down to protect the surface.

  • Step 2: Remove the paper from the crayons.

  • Step 3: Use your hot glue gun to glue the crayons individually up the top of the canvas.

  • Step 4: Hold the canvas upright and aim the hair dryer or heat gun on high heat at the crayons. 

  • Step 5: Tilt the canvas if needed to direct the flow of the melted wax on the canvas as the crayons melt.

  • Step 6: Allow the artwork to cool before you display it.

Melted Crayon Bookmark

Create fun, personalized bookmarks using your old, broken up crayons. This engaging activity allows children to blend colors and create patterns to exercise their creativity. You will need crayons, a hole punch, parchment paper, scissors, yarn or ribbon, an iron, and contact paper

  • Step 1: Peel the crayons and break up the pieces if not already broken up.

  • Step 2: Cut a piece of parchment paper to the desired bookmark size.

  • Step 3: Sprinkle the pieces of broken up crayon onto half of the parchment paper.

  • Step 4: Fold the parchment paper over the pieces of crayon to make a sandwich.

  • Step 5: Place a cloth over the bookmark to protect the iron from melted crayons. 

  • Step 6: Press a warm iron over the parchment paper and cloth moving slowly and evenly to melt the wax.

  • Step 7: Allow the bookmark to cool and trim the edges with scissors.

  • Step 8: Cover the bookmark in contact paper so they’re functional!

  • Step 9: Use the hole punch to pop a hole in the top of the bookmark and thread the ribbon or yarn through. 

Melted Crayon Wands

Repurpose your old crayon bits into fun “magic” wands! This craft is so great for those broken and half-used crayons you have lying around in the playroom. Kids can use many developmental skills as they mix, pour, and handle different materials. All you need is your broken crayons, big milkshake straws, tin foil, measuring jugs, a baking tray, tape, and scissors.

  • Step 1: Remove the wrapping on the crayons and break them up, if not already broken.

  • Step 2: Put the straws in the baking tray standing up. You can wrap a piece of tape around them and put tin foil around the base to stop any wax flowing out.

  • Step 3: Melt the crayons in the measuring jugs. 

  • Step 4: Carefully pour the wax down the straws until filled to the top.

  • Step 5: Allow the wax to cool. You can definitely put them in the refrigerator to speed up the cooling process.

  • Step 6: Once fully hardened, cut the straws and pull out the wands.

  • Step 7: The wands are now ready to use for coloring, imaginative play, or painting! 

Melted Crayon Play Dough

I’ve written about a lot of different types of play doughs (everything from cloud dough to taste-safe dough), but not one with melted crayons! This color and sensory-rich activity is now a favorite in my house, and I hope your children like it just as much! All you need are the crayons, vegetable oil, flour, salt, cream of tartar, water, a mixing bowl, and a chopping cutting board. This recipe below makes one color.

  • Step 1: Chop up about 2 ½ broken crayons in each color.

  • Step 2: In a bowl, mix in 3 cups of flour, 1 ½ cup of salt, and 2 tbsp of cream of tartar.

  • Step 3: Next, heat up 2 tbsp of oil in a pan and add your crayons until fully melted.

  • Step 4: Slowly stir in the dry ingredients over the heat until the dough pulls together.

  • Step 5: Once fully combined and cool enough to handle, pull it out onto a chopping board and knead until smooth. 

  • Step 6: Now you can play! Make sure you store it in an airtight container. 

Melted Crayon Crafts list

Melted Crayon Butterflies

Create vibrant and beautiful crayon butterflies that double as engaging recycled toys or party favors. This activity promotes fine motor skills and encourages children to use their creativity. You will need crayons, parchment paper, butterfly mold, scissors, a heat gun or hair dryer, pipe cleaners, glitter, googly eyes, and glue.

  • Step 1: Put down the parchment paper to protect the surface. 

  • Step 2: Remove the paper wrapping from the crayons.

  • Step 3: Pop the crayons in the butterfly mold you’ve chosen. 

  • Step 4: Use the heat gun or hair dryer to melt the crayons until fully melted and the mold is filled.

  • Step 5: Once hardened, pop them out and begin decorating. You can use pipe cleaners, glitter, and even glued google eyes!

Melted Crayon Confetti Art

Make some very cool confetti art by repurposing old and neglected crayons. This is a super fun and engaging activity for little ones and older children to enjoy. You just need crayons, a piece of parchment paper, a cheese grater, and a few containers to store your crayon shavings. 

I love that this activity is fun and also teaches children how to safely use a cheese grater. Better yet, the final result of crayon confetti can be used in sensory kits or slimes for an added sensory element!

  • Step 1: Grab your crayons and remove the wrapping, if any. 

  • Step 2: Put a piece of parchment paper underneath your cheese grater.

  • Step 3: Begin grating until you’ve used up the crayons. 

  • Step 4: Put them in a container for your next activity!

Melted Crayon Rocks

Transform ordinary rocks into stylish creations. This is one of many melted crayon crafts that offers a creative and tactile experience, and leaves children with something to be really proud of! You will need rocks, crayons, parchment paper, and a heat gun.

  • Step 1: Wash and dry your rocks thoroughly.

  • Step 2: Peel the crayons and break them into small pieces if not already broken.

  • Step 3: Place your rocks on parchment paper and put some crayon pieces on top of them.

  • Step 4: Use the heat gun to melt the crayons, making sure the wax swirls and melts over the rocks.

  • Step 5: Allow the wax to harden and cool before handling.

  • Step 6: Now, proudly display your child’s gorgeous rocks!

Recycled Crayons

If you really want to get into your recycling game, use your old crayon pieces to create brand new crayons! You can find crayon molds online to easily create some brand new crayons for your little one to use. I think this is such a cool idea to bring your crayons back to life. All you need is a heat gun or hair dryer, your broken crayons, and a crayon mold.

  • Step 1: Put down the parchment paper to protect the surface you’re working on. 

  • Step 2: Pop the crayon pieces in the crayon mold. 

  • Step 3: Use the heat gun or hair dryer to melt the crayons until fully melted and the mold is filled.

  • Step 4: Once hardened, pop them out and begin coloring happily again!

recycle broken crayons

Use up those broken crayons with these crafts!

I hope your whole family has a great time with these crafts! Just remember your little ones may need an extra hand with some of these crafts! All of them include an element where hot wax will be present, so adult supervision is definitely recommended.

If you enjoyed these activities, find many more on the Mothercould blog, or enjoy exclusive access to some never-seen-before activities, printable activity packs, and more in my Mothercould In Your Pocket resource!