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Sensory play is a world of fun and opportunity for little ones and a great tool for parents, educators and caregivers to use at home or inside the classroom. Unless you work in early education or as a therapist, you most likely didn’t learn about it until you had babies and/or toddlers in your home, so let’s talk about it! 


We know that from day one, babies and toddlers primarily use their seven senses to learn, explore, and make sense of their surroundings. Studies have also consistently shown that play is one of the best ways children learn.

Sensory play combines both of these aspects and creates unique opportunities for babies, toddlers, and children to explore, learn, develop curiosity, and build their understanding of objects, spaces, and so much more. Beyond learning, sensory play for babies can foster connection, coregulation, and practice other gross/fine motor skills and language development. 

Sensory play is a fun tool to carry in your back pocket as a caregiver and parent that provides you and your littles a space to interact with each other while also interacting with your environment. It is no wonder that sensory play is a favorite among early childhood therapists!

Okay, but what is sensory play? 

Sensory play is any type of play that engages and stimulates the senses of babies, toddlers, or children (touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight, and hearing) in a fun, meaningful, and playful open-ended way.

Nature walks, bubbly baths, and playing with instruments are considered sensory play. However, if you are feeling more creative, sensory play can include making homemade playdough, painting with ice on a sunny hot day, or rescuing toys from a sensory bin or a pit of homemade goo. The possibilities are truly endless as the goal is to engage the child’s senses through exploration and play.

Although sensory play may sound like a complicated science project, it actually is quite simple and affordable. There are many simple and creative sensory play ideas that you can create with simple household materials or that are completely free! 

For more ideas and inspiration on how to creatively incorporate sensory play in your home or classroom, be sure to check out the Mothercould in Your Pocket Resource that offers more than 60 sensory play printable recipes and video tutorials. This resource focuses on using household materials you probably already have and has recipes on how to make some sensory play ideas completely taste safe too, this is especially nice for babies and toddlers that are still mouthing. 

So, what are the benefits of sensory play?

Language and Motor Skills

Some general benefits of sensory play include supporting the development of language skills and motor skills in children. For example, making playdough at home is an opportunity to practice hand-eye coordination as you stir ingredients and mend it together. Rolling, stacking, flattening and squishing are also examples of fine motor skills in action. In addition, you can talk with your child about the different colors and shapes you are making to foster language development. Be sure to check out the 10 benefits of playing with playdough here. 

Brain and Cognitive Development

Sensory play has an important role in brain development as it is an activity that stimulates the senses in different ways and often simultaneously. As children focus and engage with different textures, sounds, or movements, their brains are working hard on sensory integration and processing. This is often why children who struggle with certain food textures benefit immensely from sensory play. It is through non-pressure play that their brains will become familiarized and learn to feel safe with various textures. 

Emotional & Social Development

Sensory play will also give you and your child an opportunity to feel a sense of calm and practice social interaction. Inside a classroom setting, or along with siblings or friends you can count on sensory play to spark conversation, and collaboration, and develop problem-solving skills among peers. Some favorites to foster these skills with children/siblings include homemade snow, homemade sand, and taste-safe mud. These sensory play set-ups are ideal for birthday parties, play dates, or during a class activity! 

Creativity and Connection

It is no surprise that sensory play also offers an opportunity to foster creativity in children, whether it’s mixing colors, mixing textures, or coming up with a new make-believe game; it is a new world! It is okay to go off-script with sensory play recipes and explore possibilities with your littles as that is part of the fun and part of the learning experience as well.

Lastly, one of the most important benefits of sensory play for parents is that the possibility your child develops an emotional connection. Sensory play is the perfect sensory activity to reset and connect with your child as it gives you a window to see the world through their eyes. Sensory play provides an opportunity for quality time, no-pressure interaction, and just plain fun!

Experience the power of sensory play for your child's growth!

It is evident that sensory play holds a special place in a child's development. As we have discovered through our exploration of various sensory activities, such as playing with sand, water, and different textures, the benefits are truly remarkable. Sensory play not only engages a child's senses but also promotes crucial nerve connections in their growing brains.

By stimulating multiple senses simultaneously, sensory play encourages the integration of information from various sources. This process helps build nerve connections, creating a solid foundation for future learning. Children who consistently engage in sensory play are more likely to develop enhanced cognitive, language, and social skills. They become adept at problem-solving and decision-making, as sensory play encourages experimentation and creativity.

Furthermore, engaging in sensory play offers a myriad of benefits beyond cognitive development. It enables children to regulate their emotions and express themselves freely. The unique sensory experiences provide a safe and controlled space for them to explore and understand the world around them. This, in turn, fosters their ability to self-soothe and cope with stress, promoting emotional resilience.

Perhaps most importantly, sensory play offers an opportunity for parent-child bonding. When parents actively participate in sensory activities with their children, it strengthens their relationship and creates lasting memories. The joy and excitement shared during sensory play create a positive and nurturing environment where children feel loved and supported.

Sensory play is a vital component of a child's early years. It not only ignites their senses but also builds nerve connections, promoting holistic development. By providing opportunities for sensory exploration, parents can empower their children to reach their fullest potential, both intellectually and emotionally. So let's embrace the wonders of sensory play and watch our children flourish before our very eyes!


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