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I have been eyeing those glass easels that you can paint on both sides for sometime now. You know, the ones that kind of look like a fancy glass picture frame? I figured I could try making one out of recycled household items first and see how the girls liked it. And just as I thought, nothing a little recycled cardboard and paper roll tubes can’t do! It is the perfect recycle and play idea combined with some arts and crafts for kids!


  1. Recycled cardboard

  2. 2 recycled paper rolls

  3. Hot glue

  4. Plastic food wrap

  5. Paint

  6. Brushes


  1. Cut a rectangular piece of cardboard as the base of the stand.

  2. Use the hot glue to glue the paper rolls on to the base. Space them across from each other. I used thick paper rolls like the ones from aluminum paper to make it sturdy.

  3. Add hot glue down the sides of the paper rolls. Let it dry. This will create friction for the plastic wrap to hold on to.

  4. Wrap plastic around the rolls making a see-through easel!

  5. Have your little one paint, create and have fune!

Tell me what you think! Just like the real deal, right? Best part? You can just replace the plastic wrap and use over and over again so it makes for a long lasting, basically free and easy to make toy!