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I bought a bamboo tray at Michael's Arts and Crafts store as storage but it was a little bland and boring so I came up with this fun activity to give the tray a little life. 


  • Bamboo tray

  • Paint

  • Black beans


STEP 1: Add a few drops of paint in different areas of the tray.

STEP 2: Add in the black beans.

STEP 3: Shake the tray so that the black beans move the paint around sort of blending the colors. My beans stuck to the tray (I added too much paint) so Nicky used a spoon to move them around (she really enjoyed that).

STEP 4: Remove the black beans and let dry.

If you just want to do this activity for fun, use a small cardboard box. Now a days we all have way too many boxes so give them some use before recycling day.